Save yourself a seat! During each two-hour time slot of The Stacks Writing Cafe you’ll have a little bit of time and the space to work on your writing. The cafe won’t be silent -- there will be music and low conversation at the counter -- but everyone will be there for a similar shared purpose: to get some writing done. And sometimes time and space (and a promise to yourself) is the only thing standing between you and finishing the piece you’ve been working on.At the beginning of each session, our host will welcome everyone to the cafe by reading a poem out loud, and then sharing an optional writing prompt. At the end of each session (usually the last 15-20 minutes), there will be an informal open mic, and the host will invite everyone in attendance to read their own work out loud. We also love it when people share an overview of the project they're working on.Space is limited and we’d love to see you there!This event is free. Drinks and snacks will be available for sale, but there is no purchase required.