You will board the 1 p.m. train at the Kempton Station (42 Community Center Drive, Kempton, PA) and arrive for class in Wanamakers. The cost will be $81 ($75 for class; $6 “student” train fare). Last train returns to Kempton at approximately 4:20 p.m. Registration for class/train ride may be made at Jo Pilston Pottery. You will be making your very own decorative tree. We have made trees in the past but this is a new style. Jo will glaze based on your choice of colors. Your project will be available for pick up 2 weeks later at the Kempton Station (Sunday between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m.). We are so excited…going to school has NEVER been so much fun!!! Refreshments will be available. (Classes are limited to 12 students…don’t delay, reserve your seat TODAY!)