Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 12:00 AM - Saturday, December 30, 2028 at 12:00 AM CST
Elite Training Sessions - Drop In. The purchase of this item will reflect one session of daily use on that or following consecutive day(s) after purchase. At the time of checkout an email will be entered. That emailed will be attached and attributed to the participant utilizing the session.
By completing this purchase the user agrees to all terms below.
Minnesota Loons Financial and Athlete/Participant Consent Policy
I understand that my registration fee, deposit, and team dues are non-refundable and non-transferable, except as specifically allowed by Minnesota Loons Lacrosse.
By participating in the Minnesota Loons Lacrosse program and programming (classes/training) I/we agree and acknowledge that the participant/team member is financially responsible for the Minnesota Loons Lacrosse team/individual dues related to the position/opportunity offered by Minnesota Loons Lacrosse Program. We honor the commitment made by the athlete/participant by securing a position in the stated program/season. By providing full payment or a payment plan offered by Minnesota Loons Lacrosse and maintaining good standing by the participant, that participant has full rights to all of the opportunities of play, travel, support made available to a team member of the Minnesota Loons Lacrosse program. All events, tournaments, practices, travel, food, and lodging (as designated) are preplanned and prepaid. In special scenarios (Doctor or physician's written statement of injury that would take them out of play) Minnesota Loons Lacrosse may attempt to find a substitute but is not responsible to fulfill that obligation.
-Once committed and registration has been completed by guardian or parental consent, athlete withdrawal is not permitted. In the case of an athlete/registrant not fulfilling their commitment or otherwise opting out of said registered program, no refunds will be issued, and full team dues that have been presented must be paid by registrant.
-It is the right and responsibility for the athlete/participant to attend program selected/required events that the team participates in per registration completed reflecting said team season or specific programming.
-All events will take place rain or shine. If an event is cancelled due to weather no refunds will occur.
-Minnesota Loons Lacrosse values the coach to player relationship. We choose to use appropriate discretion to discuss financial policies, standings, statements, or situations with the student athletes.
-If a payment is delinquent or payment comes back declined, the athlete may not be able to participate/travel until dues are received and/or account comes to terms agreed upon by Minnesota Loons Lacrosse.
Refunds- Request/Doctors notes must be submitted through email to Minnesota Loons Accounts manager info@mnloons.org Potential refunds will be addressed at the conclusion of season to ensure full program fulfillment (pre discretion of Minnesota Loons Lacrosse) site credit/credit refund may be issued for refunds per case scenario.
Payment plans must be paid using your online account through League Apps. Cash is not an acceptable form of payment for team dues and checks may be used only if paying in full.
Minnesota Loons Financial Inquiry Procedure:
For all Financial inquiries including payment plan info, invoices, refunds, registration dashboard issues...all inquiries must be documented in email to info@mnloons.org
-Appeals: Registrant has 14 days to appeal an invoice, payment, or bill once posted on their members League Apps account. Appeals must be emailed to info@mnloons.org with a statement and request to adjust the payment/invoice. Minnesota Loons Lacrosse is under no obligation to guarantee that an appeal will be approved or accepted for an adjustment.
-Participant/Member Cancellation or Opting to withdraw from registered.committed programming: Withdrawal is not permitted. Members are responsible to uphold commitment/contract. Upon withdrawal member will be required to fulfill financial obligations for the totality of the program following the deadline provided within payment plan structure or otherwise adjusted with an appeal.
-Removal from the program, Member Termination: Once final invoice is posted on the terminated members League Apps account, member is required to consolidate/fulfill final payment no later than 14 days after termination or complete said payment plan. Participant is financially bound to commitment or otherwise adjust through appeals process.
-Non payment / Delinquent payment: An account with a past due invoice/payment will be notified after 14 days. If recurring notifications are left unattended over an extended period of time, the account will be notified of an anticipated late fee of 4%. Delinquent payments can/will be subject to participants removal.
As the parent or legal guardian of the participant being registered in the Minnesota Loons Select Lacrosse programs, I hereby give the Minnesota Loons Select Lacrosse program consent to the use of my child's image by the Minnesota Loons Select Lacrosse Program for any and all purposes, including without limitation, video, still photographs, publications, and any trade or advertising purpose. Minnesota Loons Select will have permission to request my child's GPA and test scores (not from the school, but from child and parent request) to be able to pass academic/contact information along to college recruiters/coaches.
Programming is available seasonally for Minnesota Loons Lacrosse. Athletes will have the opportunity to participate in fall, winter, and/or summer seasons. Each season we will offer an opportunity for a payment plan for a scheduled and organized payment.
To inquire about team dues please simply contact us. We would like to take the time to explain what each team includes. For example our youth teams do not include travel, food, and lodging when our HS teams do. Depending on the association or club program different organizations include different things. From our years of experience we include everything that our student athletes need, and would be happy to share that with you in a conversation. Out of respect for our athletes, families, and prospective athletes we do not wish to have our team dues misled or misinterpreted.
-Program Director Coach Brandon Husak, bhusak@mnloons.org
Team Scheduling Priorities: Once events and practices are mentioned and scheduled MN SELECT athletes are required to attend all events practices and tournaments unless previously approved. Out of respect for all staff and participants MN SELECT events will take priority over other lacrosse community association/team events.
Weather Cancellations: Weather or other "factor" based cancellations will be communicated through these sources of media. Team App, Emails, then website change if time permits. It is the responsibility of the athlete to check our sources of communication before events. Cancellations may have the possibility of being "made up" with either a lateral move, adjustment, or make up but will not be guaranteed.
Athletes Concerns: Please communicate directly with Minnesota Loons Lacrosse staff regarding problems/concerns. Discussions with parents regarding player issues must be addressed with player/staff first. If an issue needs to be further addressed a meeting will be scheduled with both a player and parent in attendance. Trust and respect between athlete/coach is crucial! Our staff will not open a discussion about another athlete`s situation.
Lines of Communication: You must be registered for the "particular Team/Program" through League Apps registration to be able to receive emails and notifications regarding that program. Parents are not to coach their player from the sidelines, please let the coaches coach. Parents/Guardians are responsible for checking emails in a timely fashion, registering for said events/tournaments when made available. Athletes are responsible for returning communication to staff/coaches.
Liability and Expectations Waiver
As the parent or legal guardian of the participant being registered in the Minnesota Loons Select Lacrosse programs, I hereby give my son/daughter permission to participate. I have read this application and the program rules and regulations thoroughly and I understand and agree to abide by all aspects of them. I understand that lacrosse is a contact sport in which injury, even serious injury, may occur and I assume all risks and hazards incidental to their participation in this program. I further release Minnesota Loons Select Lacrosse, its staff, affiliates, and the host facilities from all liability associated with my son/daughter's participation in this program. I understand that my registration fee is non- refundable and non-transferable, except as specifically allowed by Minnesota Loons Select Lacrosse. I also grant Minnesota Loons Select Lacrosse, its staff and designees, permission to seek emergency medical care for my son/daughter. I certify that the insurance information provided is correct and current and agree to assume all responsibility for any medical expenses incurred. Minnesota Loons staff is not liable for any injury a play may receive during play of the tryouts, practices, or games. MN Loons Staff has the right to seek/or administer proper medical attention if player is injured.
I agree that I shall provide health insurance to cover any personal injury and/or property damage sustained by the athlete while participating in any activities or while on the premises of the host facilities. The undersigned assumes all responsibilities for any and all risk of damage or injury that may occur to the above named camper as a participant in any Minnesota Loons Select Lacrosse Program including practices, scrimmages, skills sessions, clinics, games, tournaments, and other activities related to the program. Additionally, the undersigned hereby releases and discharges the program, its operators, employees, agents, supervisors, instructors, and other players from all claims, demands, rights or causes of action present or future, whether known or anticipated and resulting from or arising out of or incident to the undersigned participation in the said program.
MN Loons Select Lacrosse Program Code of Conduct. Athletes that do not follow/break rules or guidelines issued may be suspended or terminated from the program.
Rules will cover...
-Respect to team members, coaches, parents, staff, tournament admin, officials and oneself
-NO Tolerance for Fighting, Theft, Discrimination, Abuse, or Illegal Chemical's/substances
-Team Payments, to be made at designated time/periods (setup by MN Loons Staff and guidelines or payment
plans designated). Payments need to follow the terms and cancellation policy. Minnesota Loons Lacrosse is not required to give any refund due to undefined or late cancellation
- Work ethic and attendance to event
-Player handbook and information within is private and intended for the use of Minnesota Loons Student Athletes and families only.
-Players are expected to be in "Good Standing" for participation of practices
-Members are expected to prioritize Minnesota Loons lacrosse over association or community based conflicts especially events and games (ask coach about practices)
-Athletes need to communicate with coaches at all times. For example if an athlete is injured or has another potential conflict they need to confide in the coach on their issue or attendance. It is not the athlete or parents decision on where to miss practice or not, the coach and the athlete need to hold, manage, and stand by that decision. Athletes may be required to attend practice even while being injured so they may learn.
-Players must work towards skill improvement and efforts towards the recruiting process (when recruitment time/situation is appropriate)
-All team gear must be worn at games. Team gear may not be sold to outside players within the state. Alumni and family only
-Player be registered member of US Lacrosse or USBOXLA if enrolled in Loons Box
-If players/parents have an issue or questioning coaching staff, Minnesota Loons Lacrosse staff will grant a meeting but it must take place with both the player and parent.
-Players must eat full meals, hydrate and take care of health and body. Parental support needed.
-Players will have social media accounts monitored and watched from staff and may affect team standing.
-Behavior on and off the field in other team sports will be monitored and accounted for.
-MSHSL violations and eligibility will be monitored and taken into consideration accordingly to current or future Loons team status, and standing.
**MSHSL Disclaimer. Far too much is unknown with the timeline that MSHSL may or may not present for spring athletics. A number of different scenarios could play out. We will take the timeline in consideration but ultimately will provide an opportunity for our players to CONTINUE to develop and compete in our program in a safe and progressive manor. Example: if MSHSL has a season that could conclude at the June or first week of July we could and have selected events that fall inline after these dates to avoid conflict. Commitment to our program will take priority over MSHSL moves or continued uncertainty. Minnesota Loons will certainly look to avoid manageable conflicts as we have in years past and provide the best opportunity to our team members. In a traditional year/scenario high school aged members would not be playing with us during the MSHSL season so those members could dedicate playing for their high school teams
Parent and Guardian Non-Negotiable Guidelines and Standards:
We ask that parents/guardians SUPPORT the student athlete and our staff. It is expected that expectation for all is to have trust and support with the three parties but priority needs to be placed in this manor.. Student athletes must be coachable, trust and communicate with MN SELECT / Loons / LTC staff. At anytime is encouraged for an athlete to confide in the staff first, we ask that the parent only be involved to help, or encourage the athlete to contact the staff if the athlete has hesitations doing so.
Staff will not enter a discussion about playing time, placement, issues or other concerns without the student athlete being involved in the discussion. The purpose for this "3 way Inclusion" is simply respect for all parties.
Bottom line- We are here to support, motivate, develop, guide student athletes into the next stage of their life having entitlement through confidence in their future. To enable this we proudly prioritize our relationship with our student athletes and respect the support the parent guardians are giving those two groups!
-Parents are allowed to cheer for son/daughter, their son's/daughter`s team/Opponent, or any other team in the MN Loons Program in POSITIVE MANOR
-Parents are not allowed to address referees at any point before, during, or after any competition.
-Parents are not allowed to coach their son/daughter or their son's/daughter`s team from the sidelines, stands, or anywhere where a competition is taking place.
-Parents are not allowed to ask about team placement, playing time, or evaluation/ranking of players or other members.
-Parents are not allowed to access team roster to create or support their own or other team without documented approval from Minnesota Loons Staff.
-Parents are required to ensure proper attendance to designated team events. MN SELECT events will take priority over other in season lacrosse, or out of season sport unless otherwise authorized and documented by staff.
All said above guidelines are apart of what we expect our student athletes to embrace and respect and enable our staff to support the athlete and program in its entirety under proper care and support. If there is a behavioral or conduct issue within or outside the Minnesota Loons Lacrosse program, Minnesota Loons Lacrosse has the right to hold a meeting, discuss, and in extreme cases revoke the student athletes membership and status in the program, and may result in loss, or partial loss of team dues accordingly respectfully considering the circumstance and payment toward past and future events. Any parent that is demonstrating disruptive or unethical conduct which interferes with Minnesota loons Lacrosse programming, development, it's members and athletes, or progress with the development plan may be subject to suspension or removal from program.
(All team practices, travel info, and further information regarding recruiting coaches contact and much more can be easily found on MNLoons.org)
I have agreed to participate in certain physical and athletic activities at the property located at 1633 Terrace Drive , Roseville Minnesota (the "Facilities") leased by Minnesota Loons Lacrosse LLC and operated by Minnesota Loons Lacrosse LLC and the Loons Training Center (collectively the "Facility Operators"). In connection with my use and activities on the Facilities, I will have access to certain equipment and training resources as well. Concerning my use of the equipment and training resources and my physical and athletic activities conducted at the Facilities, I hereby acknowledge and understand that:
1. The use of the Facilities, the equipment and training resources will involve certain physical activities and these activities are potentially hazardous activities that may pose a danger to my health, and I am free to participate or not participate in such activities and utilize the equipment and training resources on the Premises;
2. I agree that I should not participate in such physical activities and use of the equipment and training resources on the Premises unless I am physically and medically able; and
3. There are risks associated with my activities on the Premises and with the use of the equipment and training resources, including but not limited to, personal injury, damage to personal property, death, effects of physical activity, and the condition of surfaces on which activities will occur; and my decision to participate in the activities at the Facilities and with the use of the equipment and training resources will be made after I have considered all of the possible risks to me of participating; and
4. I assume all risks associated with my activities at the Facilities and with the use of the equipment and training resources, and the undertaking the activities at the Facilities and use of the equipment and training resources by me shall constitute my representation to the Facility Operators that I have considered the risks and have chosen to participate despite such risks.
Waiver and Release. In return for my use of the Facilities and the equipment and training resources, I, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, or anyone else who might claim on my behalf, hereby waive and release the Facility Operators, and their governors, directors, officers, employees, contractors, agents and members, from any and all claims, demands, judgments, actions, causes of action, rights, obligations and liabilities, which I may have against any of them arising out of or related to my use of the Facilities or the equipment and training resources.
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the meaning and effect of this Acknowledgement, Waiver and Release, and that my signing this Acknowledgement, Waiver and Release is voluntary
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