We will be bringing in High Level Throwing to our facility for our Five O’s Fastpitch girls on Friday and Saturday April 25th & April 26th!
We have MORE exciting news to go along with High Level Throwing…We are providing this
clinic at a steep discount to our players! We had a private donor donate money to the Fastpitch
program specifically for the development of the girls. So we will be applying this donation to
bring down the cost for everyone. We don’t know what the exact dollar amount will be for each
girl, because it all depends on the total number of girls that register, as we will spread that
money across all the players registered. Normally, this clinic cost $155, but if all players in our
program participate, we are hoping to be able to provide it at a roughly 50% discount. Since we
are not able to finalize the dollar amount until registration deadline has passed, we have
determined below is the best and easiest way to do this is:
- Everyone registers at the original $155/player cost
- After registration deadline, we will calculate the per player cost after applying the
donation and credit back the difference to everyone.
- Registration Deadline: February 28th 2025
They will be running 5 total sessions for us between the two days, with each session being 2-
hours long. We have done our best to group our girls with their teams or age level, but each
session has a number of participation limit, so we had to do some shuffling. Below is the
session schedule:
-Session 1, April 25 th @ 5PM-7PM (U12 Above: Dorn, Ryan, Mau)
-Session 2 April 26 th @ 9AM-11AM (8U: Fiacco)
-Session 3 April 26 th @ 11:30AM-1:30PM (10U Robbins)
-Session 4 April 26 th @ 2PM-4PM (10U-12U: Egholm)
-Session 5 April 26 th @5PM-7PM (12U Above: Dorn, Ryan, Mau)